First days, just Martin.. diving a lot while poor me workin ;)
But some time to have fun together of course:
Martin & me under water.. (next time we'll try to puth both on, huh Mart :p)
And famous afterparties at The Ranch(my second home.. now also martin's second home..hihi)
On picture (left to right): Denis, Thierry, Fred, Tof, Damien, Linda, Helene & me

The girlzz (me, Linda & Helene)
The boyzz (Mart, Dams & Titi)
Excursion north Grande Terre all together
Mart, bein' bad! :p (read text)
When Martin left, we started the hard stuf: climbing the volcano, waterbicycle,..
At the top of Volcano: La Souffrière Landinwards around Vieux Habitants (west)
Sea-VTT they call it, in the mangrove
And final touch: weekend at Les Saintes (smal pretty islands)
There finaly parents took first dive! :) First mama:
Then papa
Scenery around us