Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What I worked for during months, my Big day: La journée régionale de nettoyage de la Guadeloupe

This year a lot of children helped aswell

Sub aquatic cleaning was needed aswell

Press conference: Press intervieuwing Falco (Calypso's captain) & Metery
From left to right: my big boss, my partly boss, Saint-François's mair and Régional environmental related chief :D (sorry can't remember..)

Some general vieuws of the day and afterwards:

Merci à l'aced, kap'Natirel, Alain Foret, Alavama & Franck Mazeas pour les photos

Belgian visit bis: Ben my dwarf ;)

Ben at Pointes des Chateaux
Myself around Pointes des chateaux
Ben and I at Val & Xav's (special toast for Severine)
Sunset during apero at Loulouse
apero himself

Ben enjoyinn' the pool :)

And of course some afterparties at The Ranch :D