Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jérome visiting (thanx for the pics)

Waiting for Jé at the airport :)

Followed by immediate departure for Les Saintes

Walk around there

Back home, visit of Acomat waterfall & little swim

& selection out of ou first "little" fotoshoot :D

Standard on tourist list: Pointe de la grande Vigie! Perfect spot for second fotoshoot..

We also went to la Grivelière valley, took our third fotoshoot.. no we weren't drunk ;)

Then we wanted to end the day enjoyin' some warm water pond... Hmm just a tiny bit to crowdy for us ;)

But where else to end a nice sunday than at Loulouse's Gwoka concert on Malendure Beach

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daytrip through guadeloupean nature

Titi in the forest

Lunch picnic arborescent fern bambou

some giant roots

All of this around a lake (Grand Etang) in the middle of tropical rainforest

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bidi.. last visit of 2009

We went to the botanical garden together.. I only took pictures then..
Yves's got all the rest of them!

He made some little friends :)
This one in particular!

CaRnAvAl !!! Mas déwo: Part 2 - Mardi Gras at Basse-Terre

On "mardi gras", THE carnaval day, we went to Basse-Terre with friends...
and had to wait quiet a while.. so while waiting a few pictures of ourselves :)

As you can see, we were ready to celebrate with masks & sparkles on our faces!!

Finally it starts... after an hour and a half of waitin'

even in between two groups there was an awfull lot of time..

A crazy carnaval figure
Brasilian invités

Pretty wagon in fish shape!

Monkey face groupes everywhere..

Due to the long waiting in the beginning we didn't see all of the groups
We do think we saw half en ended with a realy pretty "Swan" group

Took 2 videos aswell so you can enjoy the atmosphere yourself:

CaRnAvAl !!! Mas déwo: Part 1 - Bouillante

Carnaval is a huge party in Guadeloupe and is celebrated during a month at least!
On sunday 7th februari, first parades in our village, Bouillante:

pretty costumes
in between the groupes you've got a few "zot"

Even the little ones participate

Groupe à "mas" - all with masks on, loads of monkeys dancing followed by musicians